Have you ever tried analyzing thoughts you’ve had, actions you’ve done or actions of the other people around you? Or ever wondered how some things just work in your brain? Well, in psychology we learn all about those kinds of things. This class brings up fascinating questions about how our brain works, how different actions can mean different things, or even how our dreams reveal deeper insight into ourselves.
The elective is a very interesting course. I enjoy how hands-on it is and the more you learn about psychology, the deeper it gets.
Our psychology teacher, Mrs. Deep does an amazing job teaching the students about our brain and the different parts of our brain and how it functions.
“ I personally enjoy exploring why we, as individuals, make certain decisions and how that can sometimes be changed based on our surroundings, experiences, and others we meet. Social psychology is a perspective that addresses topics such as conformity, obedience, and deviation,” said Mrs. Deep who teaches psychology.
As a student who takes psychology, I can say this class will make you think of ideas or have questions that you probably didn’t think of before. It’s a very interesting class.
“Originally, I chose this elective because one of my interests after high school was to become a lawyer. The overall topic just interests me,” said Connor Sonson, an 11th grader taking Psychology.
In this elective, it might give you more ideas of something you would like to think about doing in the future.
What I like about this elective is that it allows you to explore parts of your brain as you’re faced with different challenges like brain quizzes, interesting facts that are true or false, and other challenging questions and games that really leaves you thinking.
My personal favorite unit was our dream unit, where students had to write down any dream they had during the week and we had to analyze the dream and find out the meaning behind it. This is because our dreams have meaning behind them. Our dreams are usually things we think about in our subconscious, things that we think we are over and done with but later on have a dream about.
In the dream unit, I’ve learned that at times when you’re dreaming about things like being chased it usually means that we feel as though we have no control over our lives. It’s pretty cool to analyze what our dreams mean.
“One of the topics I enjoy teaching is the awareness of mental health because it is something that will always be with us all. A topic that I have grown to appreciate teaching is biopsychology and the brain. Originally, I began with a stronger background in cognitive and social psychology. When I began teaching AP Psychology I became more aware that it is in fact true, ‘what is psychological, is biological’. The power of our brain and mind is endless and science continues to uncover more everyday.” Mrs. Deep said on what she enjoys most about psychology
The class also provides open notes in quizzes, meaning students can use their notes during quizzes. This is useful because we learn so much about our brains, different parts, what those parts are used for and why we have them in the first place. These notes come in handy because it can be difficult to remember every part of the brain and what they’re used for.
If you are someone who is interested in the idea of psychology and wants to learn more about how our brain works, or are interested in learning about the meaning behind actions, this class is for you.