Along with celebrating with good holiday food, holiday games, and just enjoying the holidays with your family, watching Christmas movies is one of the many great things to do around Christmas time. With a huge variety of Christmas movies from many cartoon Christmas specials to full one hour long feature length films, there’s a huge variety of Christmas movies to choose from, as quoted from According to Trillmag-“At their heart, classic Christmas movies are not just about festive decorations or snowy backdrops—they’re about universal themes that resonate deeply with viewers. Love, family, belonging, and even redemption are central to these films, making them emotionally relatable for people across generations.”
Classic Christmas film icons like Home Alone (1990), How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) (more divisive), The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), and National Lampoon’s Family Christmas Vacation (1989) are able to represent Christmas in amazing ways, from the true meaning of Christmas to creating iconic characters, movie facts, and lines we’re still quoting today, to ways Christmas is represented reminding us that it’s more then something stressful we need to get through. If anything, it’s probably why so many people and families watch Christmas movies to be reminded of joy and happiness. Jeniffer Neal, a mother, has quoted “It’s a tradition and we love it.”
Even some less famous classics are a good watch because they can get their message across differently as quoted by Mrs. Anggaputra: “I love the movie the snowman, it has no dialogue, there’s just talking and the characters are very expressive and you can still get the idea of what they’re thinking even if there’s no talking.”
Christmas is about the opportunity to pause and give thanks for the love, hope and joy found in Jesus – our Saviour and friend and about going out of our way to do something nice for people, and a lot classic Christmas movies represent Christmas without being too exaggerated about it, I’ve watched Christmas classics so many times and I guarantee I’m going to watch Christmas classics a lot more.