Have you ever wondered why daylight savings time happens? Well, apparently it was created to save fuel and power so that people could make more use of daylight.
According to https://www.dayligh-saving-time: “In 1973 the U.S was facing a national energy crisis and, in an effort to extend daylight hours and cut back on the demand for energy, President Richard Nixon signed an emergency daylight saving time bill into law.”
The opinions of daylight savings are mixed to say the least, especially with it in the fall with some people hating the idea.
“I don’t like daylight savings time and I don’t like how it gets dark at four in the afternoon,” said Mrs. Fountain, a teacher assistant at New Hartford Senior High School.
“I don’t like daylight savings time because I’m an early riser so I go to bed and wake up early, so when we switch the daylight savings I have a hard time falling asleep,” remarked Mrs. Anggaputra, a resources teacher at New Hartford Senior High School.
While some people don’t like it, there are others who actually like daylight savings time in the spring and have said, “I like it because you both gain and lose sleep, so I like the standard time but not daylight savings time,” said Jalissa Sardina a student at New Hartford Senior High School.
“I like it because in the winter we gain an hour of sleep, but I don’t like it at the same time because we lose daylight during the day,” said MacKenzie Conover, a student at New Hartford Senior High School.
Daylight savings has a different effect on people depending on their job or lifestyle.