Photo by Jeremy Bishop with permission from Unsplash
Capturing moments in life is challenging, sports photographers take pride in that as they take and share their photos for the world to see. Seeing the games from a different perspective is something people enjoy.
Good sports photographers can be found all over, but we are lucky enough to have three very talented photographers in our very school: Adam Mroczek from Doing It All Content, Will Picolla from WillPics315, and Cal Randall from Cal.Flics. These three photographers have been very active and involved in our school’s sports, taking pictures of all types of sports including football, basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, softball, and hockey.
“ I always knew I wanted to be a photographer, but didn’t know how or where to start,”Adam said. “I loved sports and wanted to find any way I could keep myself involved with them, so I brought my camera to a basketball game and immediately knew it was for me.”
Will’s interest in photography was inspired by his sister who was also a photographer.
“My sister did it and it looked fun,” Will said.
Cal’s interest in becoming a photographer was similar. He said he was motivated by “inspiration from other photographers and getting closer with people,” Cal said.
It isn’t easy taking pictures of fast-moving action, but these photographers are very talented and have some advice for any newcomers looking to get in the mix and take some pictures of their own.
“Advice I would give would be to find your style of photography and do everything you can to perfect it like watching youtube videos etc,” Adam said.
Learning how to take the pictures is one thing, making them look good is a whole other challenge.
“One of the most challenging parts is finding time to edit all the pictures,” Will said.
Will spends a lot of time editing the pictures to make them look better so more people will buy them. Once someone can master all that, then they can become a very talented photographer.
Sports photography can also take you to some pretty cool places to take pictures.
“I would say the time I got to take pics in the dome at Syracuse,” Adam said when asked about the coolest place he got to take pictures.
These students said that sports photography is also a great way to meet people and show the world– and everyone around them– their work.
“My goals with sports photography are to make money and get a better camera,” Cal says.
Students who are interested in having photos taken, should reach out to the photographers on Instagram or in person. Price ranges depend on the amount of pictures a customer would like to purchase.
Photo customer Trevor Fobare said the football photos he purchased from Adam from Doing It All Content were very good and definitely worth it.
“The pictures I bought were very good and they looked amazing. I would definitely recommend getting pictures,” Trevor said.