Ms. Chang
Multicultural Club celebrates Chinese new year. Spring 2024.
Our school offers many opportunities for students to engage in activities and groups that they enjoy.
With over 30 clubs and the ability to start new ones if interested, students are able to connect with others, and can participate in something they might not be able to do outside of school.
The Multicultural Club was created last year by students who were interested in developing a club that would celebrate the variety of cultures represented in the senior high.
According to Ms. Cissi, the advisor, this club has many events such as the, “student-created presentations on a particular culture [that occur] at least once a month.”
This year the club also celebrated the Chinese New Year through a party that involved games and food.
Vijay Bapana explains that in this club, “students can celebrate and raise awareness towards their culture. The Multicultural Club strives to be a platform for any students of any culture.”
Zaneb Khan further explains, “Multicultural club is a club focused on bringing awareness to different kinds of cultures from around the world. Many people today have little understanding of other cultures and traditions and this club gives students an opportunity to express the beautiful parts of their heritage.”
Additionally she states, “meetings are held every other Thursday to prevent interference with other club meetings, [and occur] in Mrs. Cissi’s classroom.”
There are six officer positions including president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, webmaster, and honorary officer. The officers are, respectively, Zaneb Khan, Juhyun Park, Samantha Ayala, Vijay Bapana, Sarah Win, and Katherine Thrailkill.
Elections will occur in early June as this school year wraps up, allowing new students to lead the club in the future.
Overall, Multicultural Club is an extremely welcoming club that actively reaches out to students in hopes of developing and strengthening the school community.