This semester, Spartan Expressions made the hefty shift from a newsletter to a full-on website. Here’s everything you need to know.
When posed the age-old question “Do students read the school newspaper?” Some students had some pretty telling responses.
Ella Thompson, a junior, shared that she has never read the school newspaper. When asked why, she simply replied “I don’t know where to find it.” When she learned that it was attached to an email each month, she explained how most students would miss it, due to the magnitude of emails they get daily. When informed of our new website, she mentioned that it would probably get more traffic from the students. “A website is just easier to find,” she said.
Deaven Moskal, another junior, also mentioned that he had no clue where to find the newspaper. He said it would be easier to read on a website, and it “sounded like something students would look at during study halls.” He then went on to say that how the articles are broken up across the website makes it more “digestible.”
Mrs. Clive, the advisor for Spartan Expressions, explained finding a website that complied with NYS student privacy laws was difficult. To put it simply, Spartan Expressions had to find a website that could host the newspaper without collecting data on its authors and visitors.
Mrs. Clive also shared that the idea for publishing Spartan Expressions on a website is relatively new, as it came about this year. She also mentioned Mr. Benson was eager to support it, so it wasn’t difficult to secure funding.
The shift from the newsletter to the website is one full of promise. Ideally, the website will gain more traction and help expand the audience of Spartan Expressions.
Just a friendly reminder… Everyone can contribute!
According to the Spartan Expressions ‘Mission Statement’, here are the guidelines for any student submissions:
- No slanderous or libelous material will be tolerated.
- All references to sex will be vague, scientific and will not use slang or be otherwise offensive.
- There will be no excess of violence or morbidity.
- No promotion of the use of drugs, alcohol, or recreational sex.
- No interference with the educational process.
- Content shall be factual and unbiased and shall not be derogatory toward any person or group.
- We do not publish information from anonymous sources.
- All content must be the original work of the author. Sources of information and images will be clearly attributed. No plagiarism or copyright violations will be published.
Have an article you’re ready to publish?
- All articles and creative writing must be signed, typed and edited.
- Email submissions to [email protected].